What Is
Sinus Lift?
Our dentist may tell you that you need a sinus lift before you get dental implants. While this can be worrying, there’s no need to panic. A sinus lift is a quite common surgical procedure that enables you to have dental implants even when you don’t have sufficient bone in your upper jaw.
The maxillary sinuses are located behind the cheeks and on top of the upper teeth. Some of the roots of the natural upper teeth extend into the maxillary sinuses which are empty and air filled. However, when the upper teeth are removed, there is often a thin wall, made of bone, which separated the maxillary sinus and the mouth.
When the sinus wall is very thin, it becomes harder for the dentist to perform dental implants. This is because dental implants need bone to hold them in position. Thus, when the sinus wall is thin, it becomes impossible to perform dental implant placement in the bone.
Sinus lift is aimed at growing the bone in the floor of the maxillary sinus above the bony ridge of the gum line. The bone which is grown anchors the teeth to the upper jaw thus enabling dental implants to be directly placed and secured in the newly grown bone.
Can I Enjoy the Benefits of A Sinus Lift Procedure?
How Can My Dentist Achieve the Sinus Lift Procedure?
Bone grafting material, either from the patient’s body or other sources is then filled into the underlying space. In some cases, dentists may make use of synthetic materials to imitate bone formation materials. After the bone is implanted, the incision is sutured and the healing process commences.
Months after the procedure, the bone becomes a part of the patient’s jaw and the dental implant can then be installed and stabilized.
Through sinus graft, many patients have become eligible for dental implant procedures.
What Else Should You Expect After a Sinus Lift?
If you have a problem with seasonal allergies, it is advisable to schedule your sinus surgery at The Dental Specialty Center in NJ, for a time when there’s minimal chance of having an allergic attack. It takes about three days to recover from a sinus lift procedure.
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